My cousin is due with a girl in May. It's her fourth baby so I thought it'd be fun to do a little gift for each of the four. For the baby, I made a carseat tent. I think this idea is brilliant. No more throwing a blanket over the handle and chance it slipping off the sleeping baby. The fabric is bright and springy, don't you think?

I can't seem to find the exact tutorial I used, but they are all similar give or take a few inches depending on the size of your baby's carseat. Just google "carseat tent tutorial". :)
There are two girls (about 6 and 4) so I made them Easter purses and flower headbands to match.
The first in a blue pinstripe:

I used these tutorials and modified them/combined them for a custom look:
toddler purse by Adventures in Crafting
gathered pocket tutorial from MADE

I can't find the tutorial for the flower headband - however what I did was cut out two circles of felt. Cut out lots of small circles (don't have to be perfect). One at a time, fold them in half and stitch one small stitch to hold them in place onto one of the felt circles starting on the outside. Add one at a time and alternate which ones lay on top of the others. Then I added a button in the middle. Place your headband between the two felt circles and hot glue the two circles together. Hopefully that quick explanation makes sense.
Here is the second purse:

For her little boy, I made a car cozy,
tutorial from Homemade by Jill.

The cars fit in the numbered pockets. I didn't have any duckcloth, so I used a car print flannel instead. I thought it was a perfect fit.
Fold in half:

Fold over in thirds:

Velcro the belt onto the front and you're little boy's hands will be busy waiting at the doctor's office, during church, or in the car!