Friday, September 11, 2009

Check Book covers

Several months ago I bought the book "Simple Sewing" by Lotta Jansdotter and have just loved it. I have sewn several projects from this book and they have turned out pretty good. So overall I was happy with these check book covers that I finished.
I used a heavy home decorator fabric for the outside and used interfacing on the interior fabric. On the outside I crocheted a flower with a #9 crochet hook- find the pattern here . Also- I skipped adding the elastic in the book. I just didn't think it needed it. It still seemed a little flimsy/thin- so you definitely still need to put your checkbook in the cheapy plastic cover first and it gives it the stability it needs. After I made a few like this-
I thought maybe if I made a few out of oil cloth they'd be more sturdy. So this is what I came up with-
I know the fabric is a little 70's here, I had bought it awhile back here for making reusable grocery bags and I wanted to utilize only fabric I have on hand (since I have an entire closet full). For the flower on the front I used the pattern here and attached the flower to the oilcloth with one side of a decorative snap (it took me awhile to push the snap through the flower and into the oilcloth). The oilcloth checkbook covers are more heavy duty and you don't need the plastic cover for stability.


  1. You showed me your ideas when I was there last, and they turned out adorable. I don't know how you have the energy to take care of 4 kiddos and sew in your "spare time". I also love the pin cushions - you made me one, and it is wonderful!

  2. cute one's that you finished mommy
