Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oven Mitt

My friend Brooke's birthday was approaching and what else would I make for such an amazing cook. I have made this mitt once before, but this one was my favorite. At least one of the fabrics is Amy Butler but I'm not sure about the others. I just love all of Amy Butlers materials. They are all so colorful and have the most beautiful print. I got this idea and pattern from Denyse Schmidt "Quilts". It is a fabulous book which I highly recommend. This is the first project I've made since last year which is painful to say since I LOVE to sew so much! Hopefully I will have more to post soon.


  1. Kelsi- The hot pad did turn out so CUTE! I have to say I tried this pattern but had technical difficulties :/ I must have enlarged it wrong, because in the end it was way to small for my hand. What did you use for the batting? I tried an old towel, but I think it was too thick or something. I have not had the nerve to try another one since. Hmmmmmm I'll have to think about giving it another shot. I love that you used 3 fabrics, and they coordinate great.

  2. I had the same problem with the first mitt being too small so the next time around I just cut it about 1/4" larger and the size was perfect. I also used and old towel which actually worked out great. I had difficulty on the first mitt with the bottom since you had to fold it over making it extremely thick so with this one I just made bias tape to go along the bottom which was a million times easier. You should definitely try it again.
