I whipped up these bookmarks for my RS Book Group. Since we decide the year's books in one meeting I thought this would be a fun way to keep track of what we chose. Since I did these last month, my memory of measurements might be a little off. The purple paper was approx. 10.5"x2.5". I eyeballed the strip into thirds and folded up the bottom portion. I used a small hole punch to go through both layers and each side, threaded a ribbon through to keep the flap secure, and then tied a bow. Then I typed up the calendar with the date, book selection and author, and the host. I used a Word document and created columns that (again I eyeballed and came out lucky!) fit into the little pocket bookmark. I realized that these could even be reused and simply put in new calendars every year!
PS - the font I used for the title is a free font from dafont.com called "Jane Austen". I thought it was an appropriate detail :)