Friday, February 5, 2010

Another Black Apple

Well, it seems Meredith is carrying the blog "weight" here! Way to go Mere! I too have been crafting and sewing a lot these days, but our laptops and internet have not been cooperative. The situation is improving however, so watch out for several posts!

I heard recently that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I decided my little girl needed a Black Apple doll too. Remember how I said our laptops have been sick lately? Well, I couldn't print out the templates. So I drew my own. I was surprised how close it turned out! The idea actually came from a valentine skirt/top that I made for L. She needed a little matching doll to carry around, right? So here's the final product (I will soon get a picture of the outfit and post):


  1. I thought the face on your doll was so cute that it pushed me to make one. I think my eyelashes turned out a little too small...oh well!
